Bible Study
Weekly Bible Studies
If you have never attended a home bible study group before then I suggest you try it!!!!
We meet every week to study the bible together and then discuss the relevance of what we are reading to our lives. Anyone who has tried a home group knows how special it can be in our lives. Something quite unique happens when people get together to look a God’s word and then pray together. We get to know each member of the group well and it is always encouraging to know that someone is praying for you.
We have a lot to teach each other about our lives as Christians. All are welcome! Young and old it doesn’t matter!
Good News down your street
If you are looking to explore Christianity, or are someone who would like to explore the bible but don’t want to commit to a bible study group, a ‘Down your street’ course might suit you better. We have folks who are happy to take you through a six week course which allows you to explore what Christianity is all about in the comfort of your own home or somewhere that is not a church building.
These special small groups are also available for those who are wanting to get married in the church or have their baby baptised.
For more information please email us at [email protected]
Updated 02/05/12
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Ruchill Kelvinside Parish
Church of Scotland
15-17 Shakespeare St
Glasgow G20 8TH
Tel: 0141 946 0466